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// Case Studies


Virtual Classrooms to provide an innovative, interactive, and personalized learning experience to their students, regardless of their location. 

Unity Game Engine, Oculus
Virtual Classrooms Overview
// Overview

Customer Overview

Our client is an established online education provider, which offers a variety of courses to students worldwide. The client’s aim was to provide an innovative, interactive and personalized learning experience to their students, regardless of their location.

// Challenges

Business Challenges

Icon of Lack of Engagement

Lack of Engagement

Students were becoming disengaged during their online tutoring sessions, which was hindering their progress and affecting their learning outcomes.

Icon of Limited Interactivity

Limited Interactivity

The existing online tutoring platform was not providing an interactive learning experience, which was leading to a lack of engagement and motivation among students.

Icon of Retaining Tutors

Difficulty in Attracting and Retaining Tutors

The limitations of the existing platform were making it difficult for the client to attract and retain experienced tutors.

Icon of Personalized Learning Experience

Inability to Deliver a Personalized Learning Experience

The existing online tutoring platform was not able to deliver a personalized learning experience to students, which was limiting their progress and overall satisfaction with the platform.

Icon of Geographical Limitations

Geographical Limitations

The existing online tutoring platform was not able to deliver a personalized learning experience to students, which was limiting their progress and overall satisfaction with the platform.

Virtual Classrooms Business Challenges
// Solution

Solution Overview

To overcome these challenges, our team suggested a teaching platform in virtual reality for students and tutors. This platform would offer a fully immersive and interactive learning experience to the students and help them learn in a personalized way.

Virtual Classroom Solution Overview

The teaching platform that we developed included the following features:

  • Virtual Classroom: The students and tutors could meet in a virtual classroom that is specially designed for an immersive learning experience. The platform provides an interactive whiteboard, which can be used to share notes, pictures, and videos. 
  • Real-Time Interaction: The virtual classroom offers real-time interaction, where students and tutors can interact with each other, making the learning experience more engaging and effective. 
  • Gamification: To enhance the learning experience, we have integrated gamification elements such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards that help students to stay motivated and engaged. 
  • Personalized Learning: Our platform offers personalized learning, where students can learn at their own pace, and the platform will recommend personalized learning paths based on the student’s progress and performance. 
  • Multi-Language Support: Our platform supports multiple languages to cater to the needs of students and tutors worldwide.

Technologies Offered

To create this teaching platform, we have used the following technologies:

Icon of Unity


We used Unity, a popular game engine, to develop the VR environment and create interactive educational materials.

Icon of Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift

We have used Oculus Rift, a premium VR headset, to deliver a high-quality immersive experience to students.

Icon of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The platform is powered by AI algorithms, which analyze the student's performance and recommend personalized learning paths.

Icon of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

We used cloud computing to store and process large amounts of data generated by the platform.

Virtual Classrooms Technologies Offered
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