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// Case Studies


Augmented Reality (AR) Maintenance and Repair for Automobile Technicians

Unity Game Engine
Android, iOS, Web
Augmented Reality Maintenance and Repair for Automobile Technicians_Overview
// Overview

Customer Overview

Our client is a leading automobile manufacturing company that produces a wide range of vehicles, from cars to heavy-duty trucks. The company operates in multiple countries and has a global presence. They employ thousands of technicians who are responsible for servicing and repairing the vehicles in their authorized service centers. 

// Challenges

Business Challenges

  • The company faced challenges in reducing the time taken to diagnose and repair issues in vehicles, which directly impacted customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

  • The company needed to ensure that their technicians were well-trained and had access to the latest tools and technologies to perform their jobs effectively. 
  • The company wanted to optimize their service center operations to increase efficiency and productivity while maintaining high-quality standards.
Augmented Reality Maintenance and Repair for Automobile Technicians_Business Challenges
// Solution

Solution Overview

To address these challenges, our team proposed an AR-based maintenance and repair solution that would assist the technicians in identifying and resolving issues in vehicles quickly and efficiently. 

Augmented Reality for Automobile Solution Overview


  • The AR system provides technicians with real-time information on the status of the vehicle, including engine performance, tire pressure, and fluid levels. 

  • The AR system offers step-by-step instructions for repairs, including visual and audio cues that guide the technician through the repair process. 
  • The AR system enables technicians to visualize complex components and systems within the vehicle, helping them to identify potential issues and diagnose problems accurately. 

Technologies Offered

Augmented Reality (AR) Icon

AR Technology

Computer Vision Icon

Computer Vision

Icon of Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

IOT Sensors Icon

IoT sensors

Icon of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

The AR-based maintenance and repair solution has enabled the company to improve their service center operations significantly. The solution has reduced the time taken to diagnose and repair issues in vehicles, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. The system has also helped the company to optimize their service center operations, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. The company’s technicians have reported that the AR system has made their jobs easier and more effective, allowing them to provide better service to their customers. 

Augmented Reality Maintenance and Repair for Automobile Technicians_Technologies Offered
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