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// Case Studies

Leveraging AR/VR Technology for Virtual Showrooms and Test Drives

AR /VR Technology

Unity Game Engine
Android, iOS, Web
Leveraging AR/VR Technology for Virtual Showrooms and Test Drives
// Overview

Customer Overview

Our client is a leading automotive manufacturer based in Europe with a global presence. With the growing demand for contactless experiences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the client was looking for a way to provide an immersive car-buying experience to potential customers while adhering to safety guidelines. 

// Challenges

Business Challenges

  • Difficulty in providing physical test drives to potential customers during the pandemic 

  • Limited access to physical showrooms due to lockdowns and social distancing protocols 
  • Inability to showcase all car models in a single showroom due to space constraints 

  • High costs involved in building and maintaining physical showrooms
Leveraging AR/VR Technology for Virtual Showrooms and Test Drives_Business Challenges
// Solution

Solution Overview

We proposed the use of AR/VR technology to create virtual showrooms and enable customers to take virtual test drives of cars. The solution involved the development of a user-friendly mobile application that allowed customers to select a car model and take a virtual tour of the showroom. The application also offered the option of taking a virtual test drive, allowing customers to experience the car’s features and performance without physically being in the vehicle. 

Virtual Showrooms and Test Drives Solution Overview


  • Interactive 3D models of all car models 
  • 360-degree views of the virtual showroom 

  • Customizable car color and interiors
  • Realistic sound effects during virtual test drives
  • Integration with the client’s existing CRM system to track customer interactions 



Technologies Offered

  • Augmented Reality (AR) technology for creating interactive 3D models of cars 
  • Virtual Reality (VR) technology for creating immersive virtual showrooms and test drives 
  • Cloud-based hosting for seamless access to the application from anywhere 
  • Advanced analytics to track customer interactions and measure the application’s performance 

Development Tools and Technologies:

Icon of Unity

Unity3D game engine for developing the mobile application

Icon of Oculus Rift

Oculus Quest 2 VR headset for testing the virtual showroom and test drive experience

Vuforia AR Icon

Vuforia AR engine for creating 3D models of cars

Icon of Cloud Computing

Google Cloud Platform for hosting the application and managing data analytics


The virtual showroom and test drive application received a positive response from customers, with a significant increase in customer engagement and conversion rates. The client was able to save on costs associated with building and maintaining physical showrooms while providing a safe and immersive car-buying experience to potential customers. The solution also enabled the client to showcase all car models in a single virtual showroom, eliminating space constraints. Overall, the solution helped the client stay ahead of the competition by leveraging the latest AR/VR technology to create a unique and memorable car-buying experience. 

Leveraging AR/VR Technology for Virtual Showrooms and Test Drives_Technologies Offered
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