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// Case Studies


AR/VR-Powered Maintenance and Repair for Marin Manufacturing Companies

Unity Game Engine
Android, iOS, Web
Marin Manufacturing Companies Overview
// Overview

Customer Overview

The client is a manufacturing company located in Marin, California, USA. The company specializes in the production of industrial equipment and machinery used in various industries, including agriculture, construction, and transportation.

// Challenges

Business Challenges

The client faced several challenges related to maintenance and repair operations, which impacted their business operations and profitability. These challenges included: 

  • High maintenance and repair costs: The client was spending a significant amount of money on maintenance and repair operations, which was affecting their bottom line. 

  • Equipment downtime: Frequent breakdowns and repairs were causing prolonged equipment downtime, resulting in delays in production and delivery schedules. 
  • Safety risks: Maintenance and repair operations often involved hazardous machinery, which posed safety risks to workers. 

  • Training needs: New workers required extensive training to learn about the equipment and the maintenance and repair processes. 
Marin Manufacturing Companies Business Challenges
// Solution

Solution Overview

To address these challenges, the client adopted an AR/VR-powered maintenance and repair solution. The solution included the following features: 

AR/VR-Powered Maintenance Solution Overview


  • AR/VR headsets: The workers were equipped with AR/VR headsets that provided them with a virtual view of the equipment and machinery. 

  • 3D models and simulations: The solution included 3D models and simulations of the equipment and machinery that allowed the workers to visualize and understand the equipment’s functioning. 
  • Interactive training modules: The solution offered interactive training modules that allowed the workers to learn about the equipment and the maintenance and repair processes. 

  • Remote assistance: The workers could access remote assistance from experts in case of complex maintenance and repair issues. 

Technologies Offered

The AR/VR-powered maintenance and repair solution leveraged several cutting-edge technologies, including: 

Augmented Reality (AR) Icon

Augmented Reality (AR)

The AR technology was used to overlay virtual information and images onto the real-world environment, providing workers with real-time insights and instructions.

Virtual Reality (VR) Icon

Virtual Reality (VR)

The VR technology was used to create immersive simulations and training modules that allowed workers to learn and practice maintenance and repair tasks in a safe and controlled environment.

3D Modeling and Simulation Icon

3D Modeling and Simulation

The 3D modeling and simulation technology were used to create accurate and detailed virtual models of the equipment and machinery, allowing workers to visualize and understand the equipment's functioning.


The AR/VR-powered maintenance and repair solution provided several benefits to the client, including: 

  • Reduced maintenance and repair costs: The solution helped the client reduce maintenance and repair costs by minimizing the need for physical inspections and repairs. 
  • Improved equipment uptime: The solution helped the client improve equipment uptime by reducing the downtime caused by breakdowns and repairs. 
  • Increased worker safety: The solution helped the client improve worker safety by providing workers with real-time safety alerts and instructions.
  • Reduced training needs: The solution helped the client reduce training needs by providing interactive training modules that allowed workers to learn and practice maintenance and repair tasks in a safe and controlled environment. 
Marin Manufacturing Companies Technologies Offered
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